The campaign for justice

The British Government stonewalled us for almost a decade with enquiry after enquiry, delay after delay and finally in 2011 after a long campaign by EMAG, the Government came up with £1.5 billion. But our true losses are nearer to £6 billion. Even accepting the Government's own calculations it will need another £2.6 billion to £2.8 billion to put things right.
EMAG's national campaign continues, to ensure that the Government finally honours its moral obligation to put right the wrongs done to us by successive incompetent regulators – the GAD, The Treasury, the DTI and the FSA.
The Parliamentary Ombudsman's report found massive maladministration by Government departments. Gordon Brown fought tooth and nail to avoid paying out a penny in compensation and the current government is trying to get away with less than 25% of what we have really lost.
We plan to continue to engage with our MPs in their constituencies, until the government realises that the “Equitable problem” will not go away until they sort it out properly.